Your gift will benefit 2020 Kyushu Flood Response.
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Your gift will benefit 2020 Kyushu Flood Response.
Support local flood relief efforts in Japan
Issue AreaDisaster
Tax benefit eligibilityUS
Amount NeededGeneral Support Needed
Online donations for this fund are now closed. You can still support our general disaster preparedness fund.
At the beginning of July, continuous rainfall hit several parts of southern Japan, particularly in Kyushu, causing flooding and extreme damage. For details on our related campaign for China, see our 2020 China Flood Response page.
Last updated: July 12, 2020
Heavy rains have severely affected Kyushu in southern Japan. A total of 68 deaths and 12 missing, there are currently 11,000 affected homes, and close to 3,000 evacuees.
Disaster Volunteer Centers have been established and are accepting local volunteers since concerns over Covid-19 prevent those farther away from traveling. Depending on relief work, there may be more evacuation shelters set up, and more assistance required when community needs are more apparent.
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Since Japan is right in the middle of its rainy season, the country may see more extensive damage depending on the amount of rain in the coming weeks.
Current needs identified by our local nonprofit partners include:
Peace Winds Japan: their relief troop, ARROWS (rescue & recovery team including pilots and rescue dogs, plus medical relief team of nurses and doctors) is currently engaged in search-and rescue operations, provision of medical assistance, evacuation center management assistance, and relief item distribution.
Peace Boat Disaster Relief is in close contact with the local authorities, support organizations and networks in discussing and planning their response. They are considering operational support provision at evacuation shelters, with provision of COVID-19 prevention measures, and distribution of relief items. Flood response appeal:
YMCAs of Japan: Kumamoto YMCA is taking the lead in the emergency response. Immediate response includes recruiting and sending local volunteers (due to Covid-19 travel restriction) to flooded communities for clean-up, and offering assistance in evacuation shelter operations. Kumamoto YMCA will also do psychosocial refreshment camps for the children affected and offer scholarships for high school students affected who would like to attend the YMCA vocational/professional schools upon graduation.
Photo credit: Geospatial Information Authority of Japan
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