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Your gift will benefit Yeo Myung School.
Yeomyung School is a small alternative school for young North Korean escapees.
LocationSouth Korea
Issue AreaEducation
Tax benefit eligibilityUS
Amount NeededGeneral Support Needed
Students at Yeomyung School who were born in North Korea are predominantly from the lower-class of North Korea, and many of them lost their family after leaving North Korea, which has led to a big gap in their education.
Students at Yeomyung School who were born in China were born between a North Korea escapee mother and Chinese father. The North Korea escapee mother fled China to South Korea after the delivery of their child. Many of these students who were born in China have experienced poverty and abandonment by their father from a young age, which has led them to experience emotional deficits. By the time of their teenage years, the children go to South Korea to stay with their mom, but they have a language barrier. Through Yeomyung School, the children are able to talk to their parents, help them adapt to South Korea, and, moreover, help with the unity of South and North Korea.
Yeomyung School was meant to move to a new school building in 2021, but the relocation did not take place due to severe opposition from local residents at the planned relocation site. Even though the school has experienced difficulty regularly due to discrimination against North Korea escapee students, this experience was an opportunity to recognize and reflect the current state of human rights and discrimination in Korean society. These students have experienced great difficulty in their lives that they did not choose, and what they really need is love, guidance, and support.
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