Your gift will benefit Simbhuwa Syabun Sewa Samaj (SSSS).
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Your gift will benefit Simbhuwa Syabun Sewa Samaj (SSSS).
To improve education quality in the school located in a remote village of Simbhuwa Nepal
Issue AreaEducation
Tax benefit eligibilityUS
Amount NeededGeneral Support Needed
Sibhuwa Syabun Sewa Samaj (SSSS) is an apolitical, non-profit organization. SSSS was registered under the District Administration Office of Kathmandu in 2018 and has maintained its affiliation with the Social Welfare Council (SWC) since then. SSSS has been working in Sankhuwa Sabha district in particular, supporting educational activities in Simbhuwa Syabun villages. Sankhuwa Sabha is a hilly and remote district in Eastern Nepal.
One project of SSSS is the overall improvement of Jambawati High School, Simbhuwa, Shankhuwa-Sabha.
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