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Hulien Earthquake Situation Overview

On February 6th, 2018, a 6.4-magnitude earthquake hit Hualien, causing 16 deaths and leaving 291 persons injured. As of the latest update (2/12/18), 435 people are living in temporary shelters and require assistance to build back their homes. Hualien is a remote region, and its local economy and infrastructure have been seriously damaged by the earthquake and require assistance from the international donor community. Further, a series of aftershocks continue to inflict damages upon the region.


Give2Asia works with local partners along a multi-tiered approach with a strong community component to ensure the greatest impact.

  • Disaster Relief
  • Long-term Recovery
  • Preparedness


Give2Asia is currently mobilizing immediate and direct support for local organizations based that are responding to the earthquake survivors. Some of the key needs include providing shelter and helping the survivors build back their lives in a holistic manner. Give2Asia has a growing list of organizations for both immediate and longer-term needs. The following are examples of local groups providing immediate relief:

  • New Dawn Education Center is looking for donations to repair their earthquake-damaged building to continue to provide housing for children with mental and physical disabilities.
  • Eden Social Welfare Foundation needs aid to help the community they serve to renovate and/or re-build homes and for the purchase of basic needs for survivors.
  • United Way Taiwan needs aid to help the community they serve to renovate and/or re-build homes and for the purchase of basic needs for the survivors.
  • Hualien County Sinshan Inter Community Association is looking for donations to renovate the damaged children’s library, and provide a safe reading environment and a robust collection of books for the children in Hualien.


Give2Asia partners with donors to support locally driven relief efforts. We believe that community-based organizations are often the most committed and knowledgeable partners in times of disaster and are engaged not just for immediate relief but also for longer-term recovery efforts.

Identify New & Existing Partners

Give2Asia can work with your existing partners to fund and monitor local projects. Having funded locally-led programs exclusively in Asia since 2001, Give2Asia also can identify new partners and projects that align with the impact your company seeks to create.

Work in the Local Language

Give2Asia’s experienced Field Advisor Ms. Jill Chang is based out of Taiwan and works with nonprofits in the local language with an understanding of the local context. This approach streamlines the process for organizations working under stressful emergency situations in the wake of a disaster.

Advise on Every Project

Many of our corporate partners play an active role in identifying projects and engage their employees globally. Donor Advised Funds provide a flexible tool for funding local programs, advising on specific projects, and pooling and tracking donations from employees and other stakeholders. For grant recipients new to Give2Asia, our Due Diligence process will be carried out prior to grant making.

Pool Funds with Other Donors

Give2Asia’s 2018 Hulien Earthquake Fund is supporting local organizations based on our assessment of needs and opportunities. Corporate donors can also choose to pool funds with other donors in Give2Asia’s fund and entrust project decisions to Give2Asia’s response team.

See How Every Dollar Is Used

Give2Asia reports back on every dollar donated and on the results of every project funded. Give2Asia provides a project report accounting for all funds donated within either a 12-month or 6-month report, and for however long it is engaged in new grantmaking for the recovery effort.  Every dollar results in tangible, on-the-ground impact.

At least 93 cents of every dollar donated will go directly to a locally-led project.

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