Your gift will benefit Example Charity.
Your gift will benefit Example Charity.
Your gift will benefit Example Charity.
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Donors in other locations can also donate to projects at Give2Asia. However, we cannot provide a local tax receipt. Learn about tax benefit eligibility.
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Your gift will benefit Example Charity.
A short description of your organization A short description of your organization
Issue AreaEducation
Tax benefit eligibilityUS, AU, HK SAR PRC
Amount NeededGeneral Support Needed
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Give2Asia is a trusted partner for international philanthropy and the leader in donor-advised giving to the Asia-Pacific. Our mission is to strengthen communities in Asia by making cross-border giving easier and more effective. Since 2001, Give2Asia has facilitated more than US$535 million of charitable grants across 30+ countries.
Gift acknowledgments and tax receipts can only be issued from the charitable entity to which you make your donation. Please ensure that you are giving to the Give2Asia entity in the location where you seek tax benefits (learn more). Donations cannot be refunded once an acknowledgment has been issued. If you have any questions, contact us before making your donation.
Select the charitable entity you wish to support:
Give2Asia (EIN 94-3373670) is a 501(c)(3) public charity based in California. The full amount of your gift qualifies as a charitable contribution for federal tax purposes in the United States.
Myriad Australia Ltd (previously Give2Asia Australia Ltd) ABN 20 640 318 636 is endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR). Donations greater than $2 (AUD) are tax deductible in Australia.
Give2Asia Foundation Limited is a tax-exempt organization under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Hong Kong IR File Number 91/11865).