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China Women’s Development Foundation

Providing Clean Drinking Water for Mothers and Their Families


Issue AreaWomen & Girls

Tax benefit eligibilityUS

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Our Mission

China Women’s Development Foundation’s (CWDF) mission is to safeguard women’s rights and interests, improve women’s quality of life, and promote the development of women in China.

The Need

In China, tens of thousands of women and their families lack access to safe drinking water and sanitation, which results in poor health and hygiene, as well as poor harvests. Often, women are tasked with the responsibility of collecting water for their families.

The Solution

The "Water Cellar for Mothers Project" provides women and their families with access to safe water for drinking and washing through constructing wells and taps; conducting training; providing water to schools; and improving water infrastructure.

Our Impact

By 2020, the project has provided about 3 million people with access to safe drinking water through 1,915 centralized water supply projects, 140 thousand decentralized water supply projects, and 1001 safe drinking water campus sites in 29 provinces, mostly in western China.


Program activities include:

  • Constructing tap water access points rainwater collecting cellars, electric wells and other facilities in villages
  • Conducting training on drinking water safety and health and hygiene in disadvantaged areas
  • Providing equipment for drinking water and handwashing in primary and middle schools in rural areas
  • Reconstructing tap water pipelines and household toilets, providing waste classification equipment, and conducting environmental protection training in villages
  • Supporting household sewage disposal
  • Providing water for farming and aquaculture

Your Impact

Your support will help ensure that women and their families as well as students have access to safe water for drinking and sanitation, leading to improved health and improved living environments.

  • US$45 will provide safe drinking water access to 1 person for 15 years.
  • US$1,316 will provide safe drinking water access to an entire rural school for 1 year.
  • US$5,266 will fund 1 year of safe drinking water for a whole village.

Making a Difference

Li Ying’s family are orange growers who live in Fairy village in Fengjie County in Chongqing. Although relatively near the Yangtze River, it is difficult to pump water to the hillside village. Li Ying must walk half an hour every day to fetch water, which must then be allowed to settle in a water tank for several days. During times of drought, she had no choice but to watch as her oranges and her family’s main source of income dried up.

In 2019, the Mother Water Cellar project helped bring piped water to the village. Now Li Ying and her family no longer have to struggle to get clean water and her oranges are thriving, bringing her and her family an income of US$4,624 (30,000 yuan) a year.

History & Leadership

CWDF is a national public foundation which raises funds from China and other permitted countries and regions to promote the advancement of women. Their programs center around poverty reduction, health, and female entrepreneurship.

  • CWDF is an AAAAA foundation established by the All-China Women’s Federation in December 1988.
  • Over time, to address women’s issues, CWDF launched a series of award-winning programs including: Revolving Loans for Mothers, Health Express for Mothers, Water Cellar for Mothers, and Subsidies for Impoverished Hero Mothers.
  • CWDF is led by a Council and Supervisory Board, as well as its Secretary General and Vice Secretary General.

Awards & Recognition

  • In 2016, CWDF won Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council.
  • In 2015, CWDF was awarded the title of “National Advanced Social Organization” by the Civil Affairs Ministry.
  • In 2012 and 2018, CWDF was rated as a national AAAAA Foundation (highest rating) by Civil Affairs Ministry.
  • In 2012, the “Postal Parcels for Mother” Program was awarded the China Charity Award.
  • In 2005 and 2009, CWDF was awarded the title of “Model Collective for National Ethnic Unity and Development” by the State Council.
  • In 2005, the “Water Cellar for Mothers” Program was awarded the China Charity Award.


About this Organization

Issue AreaWomen & Girls

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