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Eden Social Welfare Foundation (ESWF)

Wherever there is a need, there is always an answer from Eden.

Issue AreaSocial Services

Tax benefit eligibilityUS

Amount NeededGeneral Support Needed

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Our Mission

Serving the Weak to Witness Christ, Promoting Gospel, and Welfare to Bring People to God.

The Need

There are over 1.2 million people with physical and mental disabilities in Taiwan including 540,000 people aged 65 or above. People with physical or mental disabilities are limited by their impairments, which causes a loss of independence and low self-care.

The Solution

Eden provides vocational training, employment service, rehabilitation early intervention, and long-term care service to three major socially underprivileged groups across all ages - developmentally delayed children, people with physical or mental disabilities, and the elderly.

Our Impact

Since 1982, Eden now has 150 service centers in 22 cities across Taiwan, with over 3,000 workers and serving more than 60,000 families with physical and mental disabilities each year.

40 Years of Social Service 

In 1982, Ms. Liu Hsia, a well-known Chinese writer with a severe disability, founded Eden Social Welfare Foundation with a group of friends who share her vision. Eden provides financial, educational, therapeutical, and caring support as well as living aid and emergency relief to people with physical and mental disabilities as well as to other socially marginalized groups.

About this Organization

Issue AreaSocial Services

About Give2Asia

Give2Asia is a trusted partner for international philanthropy and the leader in donor-advised giving to the Asia-Pacific. Our mission is to strengthen communities in Asia by making cross-border giving easier and more effective. Since 2001, Give2Asia has facilitated more than US$535 million of charitable grants across 30+ countries.

Tax Benefit Eligibility

Gift acknowledgments and tax receipts can only be issued from the charitable entity to which you make your donation. Please ensure that you are giving to the Give2Asia entity in the location where you seek tax benefits (learn more). Donations cannot be refunded once an acknowledgment has been issued. If you have any questions, contact us before making your donation.

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