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China Friendship Foundation for Peace and Development: TCM Training

CFFPD strengthens the relationship between Chinese people and people around the world.


Issue AreaHealth

Tax benefit eligibilityUS

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Our Mission

CFFPD upholds the principle of strengthening the relationship between Chinese people and people from the rest of the world, boosting international collaboration, safeguarding world peace, and enhancing common development.

The Need

There is an uneven distribution of medical and health resources between urban and rural areas. This makes it hard for rural residents to access sufficient medical resources and forces them to travel far to get medical care, which delays treatment time and leads to financial burdens.

The Solution

This project aims to train rural grassroots doctors with Chinese Traditional Medicine (TCM) knowledge and skills. TCM plays a unique role in the treatment, prevention, and control of the COVID-19 epidemic. It also helps reduce the cost of getting health care for rural people.

Our Impact

CFFPD has successfully completed the following Rural Doctors Training: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) project in Lvliang City, Shanxi Province, and Qianjiang District, Chongqing City, China, and trained 535 TCM rural doctors with high learning enthusiasm since July 2021.

Project Details

The Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Training Program will support systematic and professional TCM training for rural grassroots doctors to improve their medical capabilities and protect the safety and health of rural disadvantaged groups in China. The following activities will be carried out:

1. Field research and grassroots doctor recruitment will be conducted before officially launching the project in a rural region to understand the local conditions and select qualified rural doctors for training.

2. The training consists of one year of systematic online teaching and two offline classes, totaling 112 class hours. In the learning process, the project team will conduct strict teaching management, famous TCM experts will be invited to carry out live broadcast Q&A sessions, and the teaching assistants will support the trainees online. Regular assessments will enable a timely understanding of the learning results.

After completing all tasks as planned and achieving the expected goals, about 535,000 rural people will be benefitted from the rural doctors’ improved TCM competencies, of whom nearly 100,000 are ethnic minorities.

More funds will enable the project to be carried out in more provinces across China, and more grassroots TCM practitioners will receive online and offline systematic and professional TCM training. It will help improve local grassroots doctors’ capabilities in TCM treatment, prevent disadvantaged rural people from falling into poverty or returning to poverty due to illness, protect and inherit TCM culture and promote rural revitalization through the development of TCM treatment. $600 can pay for one grassroots doctor to receive online and offline TCM systematic training for one year, with a total of 112 class hours.


To open up new prospects for people-to-people diplomacy and to further integrate its resources, the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) established the China Friendship Foundation for Peace and Development (CFFPD) on May 15, 1996. CFFPD is China’s first 4A-level public fundraising foundation in people-to-people diplomacy; it is registered with the approval of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China and overseen by the CPAFFC.

The highest decision-making body of CFFPD is the Board, which has ten members, including one Board Chair and one Secretary General. In addition, CFFPD has a Board of Supervisors, which has three supervisors.

Awards & Recognition

2018年 中国最透明慈善公益基金会
Won The Most Transparent Charitable Public Welfare Foundation in China in 2018

2015 年全国先进社会组织、2021 年全国先进社会组织
Honored the National Advanced Social Organization in 2015 and 2021

Rated as the 4A-level Public Fundraising Foundation in 2021

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Give2Asia is a trusted partner for international philanthropy and the leader in donor-advised giving to the Asia-Pacific. Our mission is to strengthen communities in Asia by making cross-border giving easier and more effective. Since 2001, Give2Asia has facilitated more than US$535 million of charitable grants across 30+ countries.

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