
A Sotoshu temple (Soto Zen School of Buddhism) serving the local community

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Zuisekiji (瑞石寺) is a Sotoshu (Soto Zen (曹洞宗) School of Buddhism) temple founded in 1394 AD. The temple's principal object of worship is Sakya-muni  (釈迦). It houses several valuable items, particularly a Korean Buddhist silk painting and a Japanese-made kasha (袈裟 silk)  from the early 14th century, which have been designated as cultural properties of Miyawaka City (宮若市).

Zuisekiji aims to:

  • Show the doctrines of Buddhism, centering on the teachings of Dogen (道元1200-1252),
  • Consider the history of Zen in Japan,
  • Preside over ancestor memorial services and funerals for believers, and pray for their happiness,
  • Provide a place as a training venue for a small number of people.

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