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We support rural Cambodian communities by creating sustainable livelihoods and providing essential goods and services.

Bareebo: Tuk, Aha, Sahmahtuhpeeup in Khmer stands for Enough: Water, Food, Ability. At Bareebo, we believe people should have access to clean water, healthy food, and opportunities to improve their lives. In rural Cambodia, where Bareebo works, many people lack these essentials.
When you donate to Bareebo, you support a dynamic community development program that serves those with the abilities and desire to improve their lives and those who cannot provide themselves with the necessities of life.
We work with the farmer cooperative we helped form in 2020, the Thomacheat Prasat Banan Agriculture Cooperative. Together, we are building community-owned and operated enterprises. In 2023-25, we will focus on creating locally sourced and made agricultural products, such as compost and natural fertilizers.
With over 13 years of experience serving our communities, we know some struggle to obtain life’s necessities. The elderly and infirm, people suffering from physical and emotional disabilities and traumas, and children not getting the essentials they need. To these vulnerable human beings, Bareebo provides food, shelter, health services, and whatever else we can.
We love people, and we love the work we do.Please support our work and know you are doing something positive in the world.